Thursday 28 March 2013

Happy New Year ... Seriously

Writing does not pay my bills. I have a “real job” that keeps me in the lifestyle to which I’ve become accustomed, and I’m okay with that ... most of the time. Since part of my job includes crunching numbers, Left Brain and Right Brain are constantly embroiled in a battle for supremacy over each other. By the middle of a given workweek, Left Brain is firmly in despotic control.

It’s an ongoing struggle made more hopeless by fiscal year end. This is when my world is ruled by numbers, formulas, tax codes and deadlines, a world in which Left Brain flourishes and Right Brain ... well, let’s just say it’s the worst time of year for anything creative to be accomplished outside of last minute accounting.

Today is the last day of the fiscal year. A new year begins on April 1, but I’ll worry about that later. Right now, Right Brain is clinging to the wispy hope of recompense over the Easter weekend. Left Brain doubtless will put up a valiant fight (I can feel her gathering resources as I defiantly splash my intention onto the screen) so tomorrow may be a write off, no pun intended. Perhaps I will give my whole brain the day off to help Lefty wind down and start Righty on the path to regaining her position. Sleep in, catch the sunrise, have tea with Ter, stroll along the waterfront, maybe go out for lunch, find something to read or scribble in my blog log ... just breathe and be.

It’ll drive Lefty nuts, but Righty will prevail. If I wasn’t so mentally exhausted, I’d feel her smiling now.