Sunday 22 February 2015

Bear Repair

the Surgery Triplets
For a woman who glories in writing blood, sex and violence, I am almost comically squeamish. Paper cuts put me into a coma and, to this day, though I have watched the movie a hundred times and consistently include it among my top ten favourites, I have yet to watch the open heart surgery scene in All That Jazz.

So when one of the bears needs an operation, it’s inevitably Ter to the rescue. My aging brown bear, Rufus, needs more paw surgery. He’s already had one foot and his other hand refurbished, and he’s in good company: Elliot needed stitches after a mysterious football incident tore a seam in his leg (a chronic injury that yet plagues him when it’s convenient), and the Emperor Ming, aka “the Big Fat Panda”, had back surgery a few years ago. Ter is meticulous, compassionate, and not afraid of stuffing. Even the most anxious bears trust her. I, on the other hand, would be a basket case and the patient would react accordingly. Like children with a hysterical mother, my bears are more highly-strung than their cousins; bedtime is a nightly circus because I want them to settle NOW and they must have their cuddles and smooches and drinks of water … *sigh*

But back to Rufie’s surgery. He and I have been in denial for a while, but when one of his inner beads popped from his paw the other night, we both freaked out and the appointment was settled.

Paging “Doc” Ter!

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