Saturday 27 August 2016

“Dark Side Light”

Ru Note: When I posted this photo on F***book a few weeks ago, Nicole commented that she sensed an imminent writing exercise. I hadn’t planned on one, but since she mentioned it, here it is:

If you heard the boom, you probably didn’t know what it was. I didn’t; not until the stars faded and I found myself speeding along the same street in different light.
Familiar ground helped as my brain adjusted to unfamiliar details. For one thing, the sky was blue. It took me another two blocks, racing through busy intersections, to notice the hood stretched out before me was silver. More than silver. The mirror-bright finish was pure, solid chrome—and as soon as the sun’s white-hot reflection ricocheted into my eyes, I knew for sure what was wrong.
Or was it right?
I peeled around an unexpected corner and stopped the car. My heart continued to pound, fuelled on adrenaline and the thrill of the … chase? Was I the hunter or the hunted?
Only one way to find out.
I sat behind the wheel, squinting in the glare off my car’s opposite-of-onyx hood, and wondered if Brise had come through, too.
It was a chilling thought.

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm doing the dance of joy right now! Right from the wee disclaimer.

    You seriously can spin gold out of anything. You rule.
