Sunday 16 April 2017

No Flyer Zone

Well, shoot. No playoffs for my boys, this year. Again. It’s kind of a relief, actually. With all the hassles I’ve handled of late, I don’t need the extra stress. I’m happy to cheer for the five Canadian teams that made it to the post-season (and, failing that, Pittsburgh), but I’m not so invested that I’ll go fetal during a game. Semi-fetal, maybe, but not full bore Philly fetal!

I have a five-disc collection of the ten best Flyer games ever played (and no, they’re not all from the 1970s). I do enjoy the one where they won their first Stanley Cup, but I’ve watched none of the others. Now Ter and I are talking about another declutter and I’m looking at the plethora of unwatched season sets and once-watched miniseries in our DVD collection with an eye to offloading the deadwood. I reckon if the box is still shrink-wrapped, it’s on the block. Same for anything we haven’t watched in years (what was important to us then is not so important to us now) ... until I get to the Flyer collection. I bought it in 2008. I’ve only seen the Cup winner from 73/74.  The boys have played a lot of games since that compilation was put together, few of them likely to bounce any from the top ten, but still. Do they stay or do they go?

No brainer.

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