Sunday 21 January 2018

Creativity Defined

According to my blog log, I’ve waxed poetic about the subject nineteen times since I began CR – this is the twentieth post and it comes from a journal entry wherein I was tasked with defining creativity. Since it still felt relevant when I stumbled over it last week, I thought I’d share my perception of one of the most important ideals in my repertoire.

Creativity is the production of something from nothing, the extension of an idea, the hard copy result of a dream or a blueprint.

Creativity is remodelling: the production of something inspired by someone else’s creativity, the refurbishing or development of one’s own style based on the example of another’s.

Creativity is spirit: the sense of connection to something larger than oneself, to the cosmic energy that binds us to the earth and to each other.

Creativity is action in the service of spirit. There is nothing creative about “destroyed in seconds”; there is nothing creative in trash talk or gossip, in bullying or harassment. 

Creativity is love and sharing and encouragement. It’s more than art or writing or music. It’s something inexplicable that results in beauty, emotion, evolution, kindness, awareness and, occasionally, fame and fortune. It is always, however, successful. By its nature, creativity cannot lose.

Create something.

Create a smile.

Create a picture or a poem.

Create a bright spot in someone’s day.

Creativity is life.

With love,


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I needed this today. More than you could possibly know. Thank you.

    1. I needed it, too, Beanie. It's easy to forget in the madness of life that creativity actually IS life. I don't think anything else really counts, though we've been fooled into believing otherwise.
