Sunday 2 June 2019

100 Things

Thanks for the photo, Beanie!

Not only was I inspired to pinch this picture from Nicole’s recent post at The Paper Teapot, I was prompted to follow her example and list one hundred things I love. She took the challenge from Julia Cameron’s “The Right to Write”, a creative manual I have not acquired myself, but then I’ve always appreciated others doing the reading for me.

Nic was right about this—once you start, it’s hard to stop. So here goes, in no particular order (except the top three) and in no way the limit of things that give me joy:

1.             Ter
2.            My family
3.            My friends
4.            Chocolate
5.            Vampires
6.            “A Song of Ice and Fire” (the books, not the TV series)
7.            Sitting at the ocean
8.           French fries
9.            Bass players
10.        Fast cars
11.         Movies about writers
12.        19th century Paris
13.        Puppies
14.        Bailey’s Original
15.         Flâneries
16.        Duran Duran
17.         Warming spices
18.        Laughing
19.        Making other people laugh
20.       Summer rain
21.        Winter storms
22.       Documentaries about royalty
23.       Charles II of England
24.       Chrome (not the browser)
25.        The rumble of a muscle car’s engine
26.       Smooth jazz
27.        Fridays
28.       Lavender
29.       Extra-foamy tea lattes
30.       My CD collection
31.        Family photos
32.       Horses
33.       James Tiberius Kirk
34.       Stretching
35.        Candlelight
36.       Costume dramas
37.        Singing along
38.       Going for tea
39.       Shawls
40.       Teddy bears
41.        Bacon cheeseburgers
42.       Watching the sunrise
43.       Christmas
44.       The first page of a new read
45.        White roses
46.       Reminiscing
47.        Soft ice cream
48.       Finishing a writing project
49.       Starting a writing project
50.       Classic Mustangs
51.         Watching snow fall
52.        Hot showers
53.        Afternoon naps
54.        Baking cookies
55.        Solitude
56.        Michael York
57.        Going barefoot
58.       Art Deco
59.        Long necklaces
60.       Rhubarb crumble with custard
61.        Turkey stuffing
62.       Cashmere
63.       Birthday presents
64.       Cheesecake
65.        Fuzzy socks
66.       Hockey
67.        Canada
68.       Hugs (giving and getting)
69.       “The Night Circus”
70.       Telling people how wonderful they are
71.         Embracing my age
72.        Philosophical debates
73.        Long drives
74.        Night skies
75.        Def Leppard
76.        Museums
77.        Colouring
78.       Brownies
79.        Main streets in little villages
80.      Breakfast for dinner
81.        Full skirts
82.       Morning fog
83.       Kids playing street hockey
84.       Lying on the couch listening to music
85.       Massages
86.       The wind blowing through me
87.       Peppermint
88.      Crossword puzzles
89.       Lazy Sundays
90.       The sun on my skin
91.        Classic rock
92.       Sharpies
93.       Getting my hair done
94.       Making gratitude lists
95.        Bedtime
96.       Bookstores
97.        Jaguar X-types
98.       Flying
99.       Dreaming
100.   Being alive ...

With love,


  1. Everything about this is beautiful and inherently YOU! I'm pleased as punch you rose to the challenge. It was fun and it made me feel light. xo

    1. I bet this list would be different if I'd done it on a different day, too. Thank you for the prompt, Beanie. It WAS fun!
