Friday 18 July 2014

Hanging By A Heart

It may seem like that’s what we’re doing. The world is tipping toward the Dark Side and all that keeps us from tumbling into a vortex of despair is the random act of kindness, the charitable work, the human impulse to help a stranger in distress.


A few fun facts:

A single hopeful thought will neutralize a hundred hateful ones.

A single compassionate gesture outweighs a dozen petty misdemeanours.

A single grateful moment is worth a thousand ungrateful ones.

As for the masses who struggle daily to find love and gratitude in the fight to survive, well, at least they’re looking, and if they’re looking, they will find it.

Here’s a tip:

Look inside first. It’s there. It wants to be found. And if you don’t see it right away, keep looking. Dig deeper. Look in the mirror. Smile.

Yes, smile.

It’s like turning on a light. The gloom immediately lifts, and sometimes, if you do it in company, the light will spread and before you know it, you feel better, others feel better, the world feels better.

She knows, you know. The world. She feels our energy and responds in kind. She feels our collective conflict, our misery, our greed, our sickness, and she is sick because of it.

But a single positive spark can keep her—keep us—from dropping into the abyss.


Light a candle in a darkened room and see how far the little flame throws his beams.

That’s how.

With love,

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