Monday 14 July 2014


Ter and I are watching The Sixties series on CNN. Last week was the “British Invasion” episode and since then, the Beatles have owned my stereo. Pretty remarkable, considering that the recordings are over 40 years old and still relevant.

I didn’t even realize how many of them we have! More than not, methinks, and that’s absolutely okay by me. I remember them a little from when I was a kid, and Ter also had an older sibling who ignited her love of rock/pop music from an early age, so I guess it’s no surprise to flip through our present library and see everything from Meet the Beatles to Let It Be. My contributions were Revolver and Rubber Soul, but don’t ask me to name my favourite Beatles song because it changes from day to day. One song ends, another begins and I think, Oh, I love this one! It’s like trying to pick my favourite chocolate: it depends on my mood at the time.

No, it doesn’t. Taxman is my all time favourite Beatles tune. But don’t ask me to name my second favourite.

Okay. It’s Paperback Writer.

But my third? Can’t be done.

Why did I start this darned post????

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