Monday 11 August 2014

Food Porn V

“PB Cookies”

caution - attack bear on duty!
Another GF experiment that worked pretty well if you like crispy cookies—which I do. I split the batter to include chocolate chips in half of the batch, because I really like crispy cookies with chocolate. The only mistake I made here was to let the tiny panda pose for the picture with them.

Now he thinks they’re his.

Contrary to our policy of No More Bears, this little guy snuck under the wire because he’s so little that I doubted he could possibly create any more havoc than the rest of the gang causes on a daily basis. He’s a Telus panda—the holiday promo the company used to encourage contributions to the World Wildlife Fund last Christmas. Ter is a panda nut, the cause was a good one, and I needed a final stuffer for her sock. So I went to the Telus shop on a lunch break, waited in line while everyone in front of me finished buying the latest communications technology, got to the counter, looked the service rep in the eye and said, “I’ve come for a panda.”

“You’re in luck,” he said. “There’s one left.”

“Sold,” I said.

No need for a bag. This little guy cuddled in the crook of my arm along the street, across the intersection, through the courtyard, past the security desk (where he was offered a chocolate by one of the commissionaires) and up the elevator to my office. He spent the next three days there, playing with my office critters and charming the heck out of everyone who came to visit, and on Christmas morning, he and Ter bonded immediately.

He has since resided in the kitchen, where he makes a point of claiming everything we set on the table as his own. Well, almost everything. Being a vegetarian, he turns his nose up at meat. He likes to play with veggies (especially green veggies), plastic clamshells full of berries, butter tarts or salsa … and plates of fresh-baked cookies. I know, I know. He’s so little that surely I could overpower him with my size, but anyone who’s been attacked by a purse dog knows that ankle biters are the fiercest of tiny creatures, so it’s easier to let him think he’s won until he falls asleep. Ter puts him to bed, I bag up the cookies, and in the morning he’s forgotten all about them.

Still, in honour of our miniscule despot, the PB in the title stands not for “Peanut Butter” but for “Panda Bear” Cookies.

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