Friday 22 August 2014

Out of Office

“I am out of the office until Monday, September 8, 2014. Neither email nor voice mail is being monitored, so if you want me, you’re SOL …”

As of yesterday at 4:30, I am on vacation, semi-regularly monitoring my home email, and still running phone calls through the machine to avoid those pesky (why do we pay for an unlisted number?) telemarketers. My grand plan is to get very well acquainted with my recently acquired keyboard – the one with a working “B”. I started yet another story last weekend, this one about … well, let’s just say that all the work I did a decade ago seems to be relevant to stories I’m inspired to write now. “Black in Back” is likely to get some attention into the bargain; it certainly hasn’t fallen off the radar, but this new one is, as are most new things, shinier and therefore of more interest at present.

Speaking of which, I’ve got season two of Orphan Black scheduled into lunchtimes next week and the latest in the Leandros bromance to finish – I’m almost halfway through Downfall and it’s painful to tear myself away for things like work, food, and sleep. I was telling Ter this morning how volume nine has introduced some very cool points that tie in with our ongoing Philosophy Quest, things at which a lot of urban fantasy fans may roll their eyes, but with which I am completely on board. Multiple lives figure prominently, of course, and a character who has run the gamut with Cal and Niko throughout the series is sharing the narrative with our hero. I was initially lukewarm at the prospect of the world’s biggest braggart taking the wheel, but he’s turned out to be more sympathetic than I thought. And Cal … what can I say about Cal? I’m scared to death for him, more scared than he is – or claims to be; I’m fairly sure he’s more afraid than he dares let on, but his rage is absolutely on target.

If I haven’t said it a hundred times before, I—love—this—guy.

As for Orphan Black, wow, who knew? Apparently I did; I recall my ears pricking at trailers when the first season ran on Showcase, but I couldn’t find it on the schedule so let it fall by the wayside. I caught the first season on DVD last month; it’s gratifying when my instinct for unique and brilliantly-done TV/movies/books proves to be bang-on. I am now as deeply hooked by Sara Manning’s ongoing adventures as I am by Cal and Niko’s. Lemme tell you, with competition this fierce, the “real world” has got a lot of catching up to do.

Maybe without me in it for a couple of weeks, it’ll try harder to keep me engaged when I’m forced back into it.

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