Wednesday 19 November 2014


She was an indomitable force, brave in ways that appeared natural to her but demanded uncommon courage in everyone else.
She taught her cubs the ways of the world, to behave in public and respect each other in private. They saw her hunt, and the day when she was hunted, they saw her limping back to the den, bloodied and wincing, but determined to fight through her injury.
She moved them often, keeping them safe while they matured. She showed her fangs when they tried her, and they knew she was tired if she made her point with a paw instead of her nose.
She loved her cubs, and they loved her.
She was asked how she had grown to be so fierce and proud.
The question puzzled her at first, then she said, “My mother was fierce,” as if it should have been obvious.
To her, it was.
Happy birthday, Mum.

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