Monday 31 August 2015


thank you for your wisdom, Dr. Wayne

It’s the last day of August and change is a-comin’. We’ll soon have new neighbours downstairs. My resumé is in the shop, being revamped in support of my intention to seek another job. Ter’s office has been moved into a new ministry. I’ll be 54 in a couple of days. And though not everyone knows it, the world lost a great light yesterday when Dr. Wayne Dyer passed on in his sleep (but that’s another post).

Gratitude for the return of my voodoo medicine man continues. His work on my bum ankle is bearing fruit, though it’s taking time and conscious effort on my part—not to mention a sharp reminder of just how much fun acupuncture can be when the points are activated. You know the jarring metallic ache of tin foil on a filling? Amplify it a thousand times and you have the latest response to an ankle point that I had no idea existed until recently. Aaaaaeeeeeiiii, did it HURT! After I regained consciousness, Dr. Voodoo jested about wearing a cup next time … only I didn’t laugh.

He also told me—because we chat between threats during a treatment—that the Chinese annual cycle actually has five seasons (no, hockey is not the fifth no matter what the Scotiabank commercials say): true fall, true winter, true spring, true summer, and late summer/early fall. He’s an October baby, so we share a mutual love of the segue from summer into autumn. I’ve always viewed this time of year as a time of renewal and new beginnings. Given all that’s happened during the past few months, I’m especially grateful for the morning mist and evening chill that bracket the welcome warmth of a lingering summer sun.

In celebration of this shift between the seasons, Ter and I are taking off to Saltspring Island tomorrow. It’s more of a retreat than we imagined it would be when we booked the accommodation, again because of all that’s occurred of late. Home construction, work headaches, wonky ankles, noise noise noise … yes, we’re looking forward to a few days of solitude and utter silence.

In my absence, however, the Rebellion continues, courtesy of a few brave souls who accepted my invitation to be guest bloggers. Ms. Nicole D. Myers, my personal Poetry Bean, takes the wheel on September 1, followed by my precious (and pre-scheduled) Ter on “the day”—September 2—and finished up with an offering from my immortal beloved, Julian Scott-Tyler, on September 3. I am truly blessed to have Nic and Ter in my life, to have their love and respect and admiration. Everything they give me is reflected back a hundredfold. Despite being a writer, I cannot express in words how deeply grateful I am for their friendship. Julian is a different animal entirely, but he is also the only character I know who comes without hesitation when I call. That speaks to an affection he hasn’t professed aloud, but which I certainly feel when I’m working with him.

And so, with change in the wind, to Saltspring I go.

With love,

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