Friday 14 August 2015

You Scream for Extreme

Then there is slacklining—the latest death defying “sport” to make the list of “Ways to Prove Darwin Right”. It’s walking a tightrope with some give in the tension … at an altitude of twenty metres … without a net.

I caught a clip on the news the other night: a beautiful young girl from California who’s come to compete with her peers in BC this weekend. She talked about how the practice is about finding your calm centre, overcoming fear and controlling the adrenaline “because too much adrenaline makes you shaky.”

Gee, you think???

Adrenaline is a natural response to potentially mortal peril; I’d say that tiptoeing along a clothesline strung across a chasm would justify a tremor or twelve, but not necessarily the cost of a body recovery.

I’ll seek my calm centre with green tea and yoga, thank you.

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