Tuesday 3 November 2015


Let’s get the excuses over with, first:

The time change.

Jet lag.

The time zone change.

The post-Halloween sugar down.

A new coach with a strategy no one understands.

The still pitifully thin blue line.

But, come on. The Canucks are rebuilding and, despite all of the above, the Flyers should have won last night’s game. My guy Giroux scored a beauty goal to tie it at one apiece in the second period; they looked like they were coming on, and then … the wheels fell off.


I am always grateful to watch my team, even if half of the faces are different from last year. And I’m kind of glad that Voracek isn’t racking up the points he had last season, since my nemesis, the wire-and-fake-fur-Flyer-fan, nabbed him in the pool, but after Bo Horvat put the ’Nucks back in the lead, I didn’t care which Flyer scored so long as one of them did.

Turned out none of them did. We lost 4 to 1, and while it appeared for a brief moment as if Vancouver’s third goal would look to the uninitiated observer like an empty-netter, Mason was actually pulled before their fourth. The third goal was a gift for rookie Jake Virtanen—it warms my black-and-orange heart that Philadelphia, once the scariest team in the league, now breaks the other team’s losing streak and gives candy to the kiddies.

Have I said, *%#$&^?

On the bright side, the Vancouver broadcaster mentioned that the Philly broadcaster called last night’s game the best the team has played so far, so perhaps the boys are getting it together. I remain unconvinced that firing Craig Berube was a smart move (though I had no problem with ejecting, I mean, promoting Paul Holmgren from the GM’s seat); however, maybe the new guy is starting to get his message across. I wish they would quit playing defence when they’re obvious strength is in offense, but I’m just a lowly fan who is beginning to sympathize with Leaf fans everywhere.

Tonight’s stop: Edmonton. The Oilers are currently twenty-fifth in the standings. I wonder what treats the Flyers will hand to their little ones?

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