Friday 4 January 2019

Stepping Out of Christmas

The night before we took down the tree, I noticed something I always forget until the night of the day we put up the tree: I love how the twinkle lights are reflected in Ter’s wineglass. This year, the inverted effect also reflected the tapsalteerie nature of Christmas 2018 ... or of 2018 in general. As my office roomie bleakly observed in mid-December, “2018 can go f*** itself.”

Amen, sister.

Right up to December twenty-first, real life inflicted itself on the festivities. Physical challenges, work pressure, car repairs, and the cyclical nature of grief conspired to foil my seasonal joy—but we got ’er done in spite of the obstacles.

Don’t we always?

Think about it. Life doesn’t stop because it’s Christmas. It doesn’t stop for vacation, either. I once asked my boss if I could have my time back because my February leave had sucked. Alas, my request was denied. Since then, I have been aware of the contrast in supposedly good times, Christmas being the most obvious target for the simple reason that it demands more energy than a summer holiday. When you’re already exhausted, the smallest hiccup can be tectonic in result.

Conversely, this past Christmas was also brighter, more peaceful and somehow happier than previous ones. I thought frequently of Mum, but the memories of Christmases with her made up for the first one without her. As for the big tree ... I did the heavy lifting since Ter was out of commission, but it felt like more of a team effort once Bart the bear was in place next to the star. Ups and downs came fast and furious throughout the season, but upside down or right side up, it was consistently beautiful. I couldn’t have imagined better.

On to 2019!

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