Monday 22 June 2015

LeBon Homie

With John Taylor’s birthday as an excuse, I pulled out a couple of Duran Duran albums to play over the weekend. I could have gone, like, totally retro and played Rio, Seven and the Ragged Tiger, or even the jazz/funk Notorious and been happy, but I chose Astronaut—otherwise known as “The Original Five Reunion Album”. For one thing, any of JT’s killer basslines sound fa-boo-lus on the Tiguan’s kickass stereo, and for another, well, the twisted wordsmith in me has always loved Simon LeBon’s way with a lyric and he wrote a couple of dandies when O5 got back together in 2005.

I’ve always considered him to be a poet rather than a lyricist, and while I admit that his distinctive vocal style (some call it “whiny”) can be annoying, he’s a master at using his voice to convey the mood of the song. He once said that his job as a poet is to knock holes in the wall between the conscious and the subconscious without breaching said wall. That way, the darker aspects of human nature are allowed to leak into the light and be dispelled in relative safety. He can write hit radio candy, but from the beginning of the band’s career, his lyrics often took the typical “boy wants girl” theme to a deeper, more contemplative place. As he progressed, his scope naturally widened to reflect social issues and a more mature attitude to romance, but he never lost his ability to have fun.

I can’t pick a favourite track from Astronaut—there are too many goodies in the bag—but I truly love “Bedroom Toys”. It’s a weird, warped lyric in keeping with DD’s renowned love of “artistic smut”, and SLB sings it with a genuinely playful humour. I laughed out loud when I first heard it and even now, ten years later, it’s worth cranking up and singing along.

DD is and has been my all time feel good band; I cannot be depressed when listening to them, for which I am eternally grateful. Paper Gods, their 14th studio album, is due for release in September—too late to be a birthday present, alas—and as devoted as I am to the bass player, I am eagerly anticipating what SLB brings to this party.


  1. Simon tends to get a lot of flak these days. I find a lot of 'fan's tend to dump on him whether it's for his mustache, his tweets and any other complaint one can find. I hear a lot of people who are lukewarm at best on the new song. I am pumped for it. I take it all in stride and have to block out the bunk whenever they release something so I can take it in and get to know it myself. It's a fun first single. I've got a lot of respect for Simon and I too look forward to see what he brings to the party. Judging from the past, it should be a treat!

    1. What is it with people? He's a big kid, for crying out loud. A poetic genius at times, a hip wordsmith at others, and in truth, I liked him best with the beard, hence my choice of the pic above. Being a fan doesn't mean being a sycophant, but it doesn't give anyone the right to judge their icon, either.

      I just love him because. I mean, he ain't JT (who is also taking his share of crap from "fans"; can't a guy turn 55 without being criticized for getting older??), but he's still the frontman of my happy band and that makes him gold in my book.

      BTW, love you, Beanie.

    2. Go have a peek at Robert Plant these days and tell me who looks old! People are dumb.

    3. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! EXACTLY! *points to Ter's comment*

  2. A quote from one of my favourite movies, seems appropriate here: "Some people are always ridiculous"
