Thursday 25 June 2015

Accentuate the Positive

Recently, I’ve been practicing “real time”; that is, paying less attention to the clock and more to making better use of the present moment. I’m also aware that what you say isn’t half as important as how you say it. The universe responds to positive or negative in equal measure—worry that something good may not happen and odds are it won’t. By the same token, worry that something bad will occur and it probably will.

I think it was Mira Kelley who prompted me to test the universe with the way I word my intention. Rather than unconsciously intending to be late by consciously worrying about being late, my newest metaphysical guru recommends changing up the mantra to something like, “My timing is always perfect.” And don’t say it with sarcasm, wise guy. Say it with conviction, then see what happens.

You know what? It works. Truly. I’ve lost count of the occasions when I’ve been embroiled in some end-of-the-day work task that’s run long. I glance at the clock, blanch, then shut everything down, grab my gear, and head for the elevator in a flutter of fear that I’m going to miss my ride. En route to the lobby, I catch myself, suck in a breath, and recite, “My timing is always perfect.” I kid you not, on these occasions the limo is either pulling up as I come through the breezeway or it’s already waiting for me at the curb.

How is this so? Good question. All I can surmise is that it’s about physics. Like attracts like, ergo using negative words or thinking in a negative manner will attract negative energy and you become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Flip the switch to positive and the same thing happens. Gain enough momentum and suddenly you’re hitting all the green lights and getting all your necessities on sale. I’ve even managed to make ten bucks last through the week simply by saying I have enough cash to make it to payday—which, if you know anything about my social calendar and tea budget, you would appreciate as a miracle of biblical proportion.

It’s fun to test these theories. It certainly can’t hurt; that’s why I enjoy playing Philosophy Quest with Ter. She reads all the books, delivers the highlights, and I take ’em to the lab. My perfect timing is almost a fully ingrained habit; I have the odd relapse, but by and large I accept that I’ll make my appointment on time no matter if I am delayed or not.

Try it. You have nothing to lose … unless you want to.


  1. I fully intend to do this this weekend. I have no plans except to think like a proton and stay positive. I no wanna lose.

    1. How's it going, Beanie? I know it's been rougher than usual for you of late.

    2. A lonnnnnng letter is pending, Ru. Oy vey.

    3. I heard that, honey. Back atcha when I have some time.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
