Wednesday 2 September 2015

They Say It's Your Birthday

Wow! I get to contribute to Ru’s blog for her birthday post, what an honour. I was wracking my brain to try to figure out what I could write given my tiny talent in this area amongst the literary giants who have posted on this page. *clears throat*

Then I remembered that I had posted something on my own blog page for her birthday a couple of years ago. It’s an excerpt but it is still relevant, and I still love this picture of her taken circa 1984 at fab birthday bash with a bunch of our crazy friends.

We are currently on Salt Spring Island taking a few days to retreat from the world and celebrate this birthday in a more subdued fashion with a glass of Prosecco in hand and some fine hand crafted chocolates from Chocolat.

Join me in celebrating our wonderful Ruthie! You are so loved by SO many Dear One.


- Ter

* * *

It’s Ruth’s birthday today. I was not sure how to express exactly how I feel about her, so I’m going to challenge my limited writing skill by describing her in a paragraph or two…

She is strong, courageous, beautiful, loving, stubborn, opinionated, funny, inspiring, talented and “scary smart”. She is a big sister extraordinaire, an awesome sibling, loving daughter and is sometimes referred to as Dad’s favourite. She is the best kind of friend you could ever have and she is loved and respected by many. Sometimes she is a philosopher, an engineer, a scientist, an artist and on occasion, a drama queen. She loves tea, chocolate, music, hockey, cars and tall dark handsome men. Oh, and did I mention potatoes? You could feed her some form of potatoes with every meal and she would be ecstatic!

And last but certainly not least, she IS a WRITER. It is her single passion and it is engrained in her soul. Those of us who have had the good fortune to be able to read her writing know that she has a brilliant and exceptional talent. I think she is a creative genius. Her Mum thinks she should be famous. Maybe she should be. She certainly deserves to be paid for the level of skill and talent she has. If she was she would be filthy stinking rich by now. But she no longer aspires to fame and fortune. She says that she is happy just being a writer every day.

Happy Birthday my Ruthums, it has been an honour to spend a good chunk of my life with you. I love you “Bigger than the Universe”!


  1. You know, it's kind of embarrassing to have such glowing praise of myself posted on my own blog, but I promised my guests I would leave everything as they wrote it ... so I will take their sentiments with gratitude and try to remain worthy.

    1. Every single word shared has been earned. You are our super human, you are loved.

      Birthdays rule!

    2. There has to be a way to make money by being this wonderful ...
