Sunday 21 February 2016


"Land Use Application" by Nancy Ruhl

Ellie stands on the pavement as a soft rain starts to fall. A cup of tea and kitty await in a tiny one-room flat, but she lingers on the sidewalk, remembering.
Cocktail parties photographed in black and white.
Holiday dinners hosted for friends and rivals alike.
Poets, artists and musicians clamouring for a muse.
Dancing with diplomats and presidents.
Lovers by firelight on long lazy weekends.
Flashbulbs and fashion, fizzy champagne and fenders on limousines.
Diamonds and pearls.
Then she grew old.
The grande dame of her age, once elegant and proud, now faded and frumpy, unsteady on her feet.
It’s another’s time, now.
She shuffles on her way, shoulders rounded in the gently falling rain.
If those walls could talk.


  1. For such a wee excerpt, I felt as though I was Ellie. And man, what I wouldn't give to KNOW what those walls know. Perhaps you'll revisit and rewind?

    1. You never know. I wanted to say something about all the old beauties that are being rezoned and torn down for horrible new condos or exclusive homes that no local can afford, but Ellie has a past as well. It might even be one of mine, lol. That could be fun to explore ...
