Sunday 14 February 2016

“Queen of Hearts”

Look at the size of her heart.
You can’t miss it. She wears it on her sleeve. She couldn’t hide it if she tried.
It’s just too big.
It’s been broken. It’s been stolen. It’s been shattered, double-crossed and stomped on, but it’s still beating.
“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”
She has no idea who Rumi was, but he thought of her.
“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”
She knows this better than anyone. Has it stopped her?
It has not.
She has figured out that the wound is also the place where the light leaves you.
She may be little, but her heart is huge. It is open. It is the portal through which her inner light shines to make the world a kinder, more compassionate place. She offers it freely, without fear, giving and forgiving in equal measure.
She is the bravest soul I know.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


  1. So beautiful for heart day.

    Love you lots and oodles. xo

  2. With such gratitude for you each and everyday. Love You Bigger than the Universe!

  3. Thanks, guys! In case it isn't obvious, I wrote this with both of you in mind.
