Friday 5 February 2016

“Perspective” (Preface)

A writing exercise doesn’t usually warrant a preface, but tomorrow’s post kind of does.

A million years ago, my niece was four or five, riding with me in the back of the ancient Mazda. My mother was driving and my wee sister was in the passenger seat when Brooke piped up:

“What comes after red?”

It came out of the blue, with no warning and less explanation. What was she talking about? We each took a multiple stab at answering, but rather than say yea or nay, she kept repeating the question.

“What comes after red?”

It was wildly frustrating, but the kid was having a good time. I was about to suggest a blackout, followed by a live demonstration, when my wee sister suddenly exclaimed, 


Brooke laughed with delight. “What comes after yellow?”

Mum and I were mystified until wee sister explained.

“Traffic lights! She means traffic lights!”

Well, duh.

Fast forward to the other day. I came home to a cool reception from the bears, who had heard something different in what I’d said as I left for work that morning … and a writing exercise was born.
