Tuesday 15 March 2016

Extraordinary World

You are extraordinary.


We all are.

Sadly, most of us don’t realize it. Being unaware, however, does not change the fact that we are born from the divine and must therefore be divine at our core. It’s in our spiritual DNA.

The question du jour: How does an extraordinary being live in an ordinary world?

Well, truly, the world is as extraordinary as we are, being born of the same source energy, but we’ve lost sight of that as surely as we’ve lost sight of ourselves. But that’s another post. Today, it’s about us. You and me, the extraordinary ones living an ordinary life.

How do we do it, you ask?

Extraordinarily, of course! It’s the only way we can live, the only way we know how. Look at it this way: no one else in existence brings to the table what you bring. No one else can be you, therefore no one else can say or think or do anything the way you say or think or do it. We might share similar traits or habits or opinions, but even what’s similar must be expressed in a manner unique to the individual because the individual is unique.

That’s the divine part. How each of us is singularly capable of following the path laid before us, even if the path is identical (which I doubt it is. That no two paths are alike is as extraordinary as the people who walk them).

The late Dr. Wayne Dyer was fond of saying that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are foiled by the coil—mortal, that is—thrust first into a compostable container with limited faculties, then into a world of contrast designed to teach us what we must learn in order to reclaim our divinity. I wonder sometimes why I signed up for this gig, and if only I’d read the fine print on the contract, but most of  the time, I’m okay with the arrangement. I understand some of what I’m meant to be doing here, and I trust that the rest will come clear as I move along. Trust is part of being extraordinary, as are acceptance, honesty, kindness, respect, and love. As each of these qualities comes with us from before, then applying them in our daily life must by default make living that life extraordinary.

So there you go. Be extraordinary by being yourself. Recognize the divinity within you. Recognize the divinity on others, and in the world around you. Make today an extraordinary day because that’s what is it and what you are.


With love,


  1. I always love when these posts pop up in your Rebellion, Ru. They lift the seat of my sad pants right up!

    1. It's just me trying to shine my little ol' light wherever I can, Beanie!

  2. You are living life as an Extraordinary Human that is for sure!

    1. If that's true, it's because you helped me to get that way, buddee. <3
