Tuesday 12 April 2016

Out of Order

draft mode

I usually write from start to finish. In sequential order. From front to back. Page one to page whatever. It’s unusual for me to write a story out of sequence, but that is what appears to be happening with “Diva”, the Hollywood story that began as an exercise some weeks ago.

It seems fitting to write a story about a movie star the same way a movie about her would be shot—out of order. The scenes are coming the same way, so I’m going with it. I’m also keeping to the writing exercise format, scribbling an initial burst onto paper and polishing it later for posting. The scenes are short and relatively simple, like pieces of a puzzle that will eventually create a picture, and are easily drafted over a lunch break at work. Spontaneity is key. When an idea comes, get it out fast and worry about placement later. Curiously, one scene is sparking another, igniting questions that I want answered, hence … more exercise!

I thought about waiting until it’s a finished story before I post it, but to be honest, I don’t know when or if it will ever be finished. It’s really a bunch of writing exercises. Assuming that the characters are exhausted at some point down the road, the scenes might be arranged into a story called “Diva”, with a definite start and a definite end.

In the meantime, another scene goes up tomorrow. I have two more cooking, to be drafted, polished and posted in due course. After that, who knows? Call the series “ ‘The Development of Diva’ ” and see where it takes us.


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