Sunday 10 April 2016

Playoffs Bound

They’ve done it to me again. Are they in, are they out? Every day, the answer was different. After floating around the lower third of the league for pretty much the entire regular season, the Flyers pushed it to the 81st game before making the playoffs.

They didn’t make it easy on themselves, or on me. Game 81 was against their inter-state arch rivals, the Pittsburgh Penguins. They didn’t have to win it; they had the luxury of a rescheduled match today against the hellspawn Islanders, but they eked out a 3-1 win at home and sent the fans away with a collective smile.

We missed the playoffs last year.

This year, we’re in!

For now.

Round one starts Wednesday and my guys have drawn the President’s Trophy team—the Washington Capitals. If they can drag out the series to Game Seven, they have a better chance at moving to the next round. The Caps suck at Game Sevens.

Basher and I are prepping for the stress, but we’re also enjoying the next couple of days. At the moment, all that counts is that we’re in the playoffs … and nobody else in my realm is!

So you gotta wonder how many wire-and-fake-fur Flyer fans will emerge in the playoff pool. Our administrator canvassed the gang last week to see who wants to go post-season. With Ruthie’s Renegades sitting comfortably at fourteenth of fifteen teams in the regular season, I wired back: “Sure, I’ll set fire to another $20.”

Here we go …

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