Wednesday 1 June 2016

Diva VII

(Postcards from abroad)


Europe is definitely better travelled by train. So far I’ve only seen France through the window, but it’s nothing like home. Everything is so old, and there’s a strange fatigue as if the countryside itself is still recovering from the war. People are friendly, though I’d be completely lost without Dane. He speaks four languages, all of them Romance (wink). It helps that he’s been here before; his parents sent him on a tour of the Continent instead of university and he couldn’t wait to return. Don’t expect us back any time soon, ha ha.
Will write when we reach Paris.
Love, Ellie

Dear Vera,

Spent two days and too much money in Paris. Now back on the train and writing from the dining car. Last night’s dessert was strawberries and champagne. You wouldn’t believe the power in those little bubbles! American champagne is soda pop by comparison. I think I said something stupid under the influence but Dane won’t tell me what it was.
He’s spoiling me rotten, I’ll be quite impossible when I get back to work. If you see Bernie, say nothing!
A bien tôt, Ellie

Dear Vee:

The Alps are amazing. I’ve never seen anything like them. Switzerland is far happier than France. The air is fresher and the fatigue I sensed in northern France is lacking. Did the Nazis not get this far? I don’t remember and I don’t want to look dumb by asking anyone here.
We have one night in a hotel at Lake Geneva—isn’t that where Frankenstein was written? My ignorance is showing more and more as this trip progresses. I could stay here forever and still learn something every day.
Dane sends his love. He doesn’t miss Hollywood at all.
Kisses for now, Ellie

Dearest Vee:

All roads might lead to Rome, but it’s easy to get lost once you arrive. There are so many museums and galleries and fountains and statues! I was quite dizzy at the end of our first day, though that may have been the amount of wine I consumed. It’s practically all they drink in Italy. If it’s not wine, it’s espresso. Dane has taught me to say “I love you” in every language he knows, including the fourth one that doesn’t actually use words (think about it).
Venice is our next stop. He says it’s more romantic than Paris or Rome. I’m just worried that I’ll throw up in the gondola when he takes me for a ride!
Wish me luck, Ellie


Dane asked me to marry him.
I said no.
Be home soon.


  1. Every single time you post one of these little snippets and every single time I say to myself, “THIS is my favorite one, for reals.” It just happened to me AGAIN!

    Being a large fan of postcards, I was swept up in her travels and felt the punch of the last one.


    I look forward to when this is all put together, in one long gorgeous read.

    1. Me too, though I'm not sure it'll be worth it with the out-of-sequence creating. So many spoilers! In any event, I'm glad you're enjoying it, Nic. I've got two more pieces in draft mode, the latest one - or earlier, if you consider where it fits into the larger story - written at lunchtime today. I'm trying to follow your example of writing during a workday (on a designated break, ovvv course).

    2. I did it today! We got this writing at work thing!!
