Friday 1 July 2016

Toe Canada!

Here we are, celebrating another anniversary of “thank the gods my parents didn’t emigrate to the US”. Once more, I tilt my gaze skyward and express my fervent gratitude for landing in this marvelous town in a marvelous province in perhaps the most marvelous country in the world. Sure, we have our problems, but they’re mostly first world and anything less could be resolved with a little compassion and less corporate greed. Our dollar may not be equal to the mighty American buckaroo, but our coin makes a stronger stand than their paper if you stack them side by side. And who cares anyway, when Canada by global reputation is safer, friendlier and far more polite than our noisy neighbours?

Given the state of the world these days, it’s inevitable that we will be affected in a negative manner as we go, but I have faith in our national resolve to stand in support of people in trouble while maintaining our collective cool. We are reasonable, peaceful folk (except at hockey games); we abhor violence (except at hockey games) and recognize guns as the formidable killing machines they are, rather than the extension of an outdated “right” as written by a gang of eighteenth century politicians. We may be a tad alarmed at what seems an overwhelming influx of races and cultures joining our ranks, but we’ll adapt because that’s what we do. We welcome newcomers. We try to get along with everyone. We share our wealth (most of us) and try to learn from our mistakes. We’re good people in a good country and I am so glad to be here.

Happy Birthday, Canada.


  1. Replies
    1. That means more than you know, coming from the one who waited until we arrived in Canada before she made her appearance!

      (and the novelty of my new nickname has SO not worn off yet!)

      Love you, wee 'un!
