Friday 8 July 2016


feathers in his hair
he stands proud in sunlight
dances in moonlight
drumbeat, heartbeat
he rides the wind
honours the rain
kneels before fire
the earth is his mother
heartbeat, drumbeat
the children laugh
the elders smile
peacekeeper, nightwalker
he is the wolf
ever watchful over them
as spirit guides watch over him
he fights not to be conquered


  1. I always love when a poem pops up on your blog. I am often comforted by the imagery and the essence. In this case, I forgot I was at my chaotic work desk and got lost in the serene peacefulness and eased by the native drum beating where my heart usually is. So lovely.

    1. I'm always surprised, lol. This one emerged from a mist. Not sure why it came as a poem but as always, I'm honoured when you like my lame attempts to be a poet.

  2. This brought me the peaceful centre I have been longing for today. With Gratitude...
