Wednesday 27 December 2017

The Best You Can Be

Could you have done more? Could you have said it differently? Been kinder? Been more generous? More forgiving? Tried harder? On another day, maybe.

Just not today.

Each day comes with a unique set of experiences and challenges, and we live each day to the best of our ability. That ability, however, is as unique as the day itself. You might think later that you didn’t do enough or say the right thing, but you did the best you could at the time.

I struggle with my shortcomings. I’m human; I have a lot of them. My intention is always to “do no harm”, but I can’t control how word or deed is received—and I admit, there are days when I don’t particularly care. On some days, I’m golden. On others, I goof up. The fact remains that, on all days, I always do the best I can.

So do you. The trick is to recognize, accept and forgive that whatever you did or didn’t do would have been done differently on another day. Let’s face it, sometimes, you just don’t feel well. You’re sick. You’re in pain. Stressed at work. Stressed at home. Sleep deprived. Over medicated. Under medicated. It’s easy to be less enthusiastic about interacting with your fellow man when you feel less divine and more human.

Tomorrow will be different and so will you. Do your best (and don’t fool yourself—you know when you’re cutting corners); that’s all the Universe asks of you because the Universe knows all you ever are is the best you can be in any given moment, period.

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