Sunday 3 November 2013

Fall Back

You can relive the past … by an hour, once a year. I relive that hour by sleeping through it; not exactly a waste, but sure to mess up my body clock the next day.

I woke up at 6:00 a.m., which was really 7:00 a.m, but didn’t stop me from thinking, F***, it’ll still be dark when the alarm goes off tomorrow. I got up at 7:00, which was really 8:00, and Ter was up a half-hour later, which was really a half-hour earlier, since she usually sleeps until 8:30 on a weekend. Yesterday, she did. Today, we’re all screwed up so it doesn’t matter.

At 10:00, my stomach started thinking about elevenses. I made myself wait until 11:00 for tea, which is really noon and almost time for lunch. Now elevenses are done and Ter has gone to get groceries. She’ll be back in a couple of hours. That’ll be 1:30ish, which will really be 2:30ish, so we’ll be eating lunch at 2:00, which is really 3:00. 3:30 tea will happen at what was 4:30 yesterday. Then sun will start setting around then, throwing us further off track. Dinner at 6:00, which is really 7:00, followed by evening tea at 7:30 which is really 8:30, then bed at 9:00 which is really 10:00, and since my body will think it ate late and I never sleep well on a Sunday night because I know I have to wake before I want to in the morning, it’s going to be a lonnnnng night.

Why do we mess with the clocks again? Saskatchewan doesn’t bother. Smart Saskatchewan. We’re not saving anything. It might be lighter in the morning, but that only makes it darker at the other end. Nature doesn’t care what time it is. Critters only know sleeptime, playtime and dinnertime. Same with babies and little kids. They run on their own clocks. Why don’t we? Granted, I could be living in Dickensian times, when the employee paid the employer for the privilege of 8 twelve-hour workdays per week, but are they really getting their money’s worth when I drag my sleepy cranky butt to the office before the sun is up? I don’t know how the Nordic cultures endure it. Mind you, I don’t know if they bother turning the clock forward or back, either. Dark is dark, people. It’s winter – or close enough. Fooling the clock isn’t fooling anyone.

An aimless, somewhat acerbic rant, I know. But I’m already tired and tomorrow is frikking Monday. I have a big-fun periodontal consult at 2:00, which will really be 3:00, so I won’t get home until … dark.



  1. *grumble grumble* Dang time change. I have nothing positive to say about it. I miss my sunlight and the daylight to safely commute home. Now it's back to dodging traffic to grab my bus.

    1. I prefer night to day, but only if I can be cuddled in my jammies with tea and a teddy bear. Wind and rain are due out here tonight, so November is adding insult to injury.

      Be uber-careful dodging that traffic, Nic - I don't want my Bean becoming a squash!
