Friday 8 November 2013

The Finally Ending Story

Tomorrow’s post sees the long-awaited conclusion of “Four Legs and a Tale”. Hats and horns! I think 13 weeks is a bit long even for a serial, so my next story is much shorter. It’s an urban piece in two parts, followed by a winter fantasy that I’m breaking into four segments to finish right before Christmas. That’s not to say there won’t be more marathon Saturday stories; I just hope to bring them home sooner than I did with Sian's. 

This online publishing thing could be a concern, but it actually isn’t. This is my work, to post where I please, and when the day comes that someone wants to pay me to write, I’ll happily provide them with original, unpublished product. Right now, it’s all about fun. I have a wealth of work to share: characters to introduce, blood to spill, hearts to break, debts to be paid. I’ve experimented with styles and settings over the years, so some of the stuff is rough, but it’s all helped to define me as a writer. I’d rather be a good writer who tells so-so stories than a good storyteller who’s a so-so writer. Am I a storyteller? I think so. Am I a good storyteller? I hope so, but if not I reckon I can bluff my way through any loopholes with snappy dialogue, glittering phrases, and the occasional steamy sex scene.

Hey, it works for the pros.

1 comment:

  1. Hats off to you for this most excellent story. I still have yet to send you my thoughts but I will tell you I love it and Mom Myers quite enjoyed it too.

    LOVE the quote.
