Friday 16 May 2014

Random Ramblings

Recent ramblings of an idle brain …

The German word for stupid is doof—and I’ve lately had so many opportunities to use it that it’s already become a permanent part of my vernacular.

Citrus juice is an enemy of open wounds—I already knew this, but I’d forgotten it until my molar was pulled. As part of my liquid diet, I decided to treat myself to a fresh fruit smoothie and ordered one with mango, banana, orange and lime. It’s called a solar flare, and that’s what happened when it hit the extraction site. Doof!

I was actually prepared to become a temporary NY Rangers fan until Montreal beat the Bruins in Game 7. I may think I don’t care which team wins a playoff series, but it comes clear when the first goal is scored that I do have a preference. *&%$ (chink!)

My body can be a healthy weight and still be waaaaaaay out of shape.

No matter which version or how many times I watch it, I always hope for a different ending to Romeo and Juliet. I claim I’m not a romantic. I’m starting to wonder about that … and by the way, Leonardo diCaprio played a fabulous Romeo in Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 offering of the eternal tragedy. Ter and I watched it last week and I was gone the whole time. Just fell into the kid’s eyes and bled for him. Doof mushpot.

Long weekends are the best weekends! Enjoys yours.

With love,


  1. 'Doof' will now become part of my vernacular too. :)

    Happy long weekend! I am SO glad it's here!!

    1. I'm glad the long weekend counts for you, too, Nic. I worry that you're not getting enough Bean time ...
