Friday 30 May 2014

Special Event

When the special event is undefined, you invent your own. Mine is a day off – a glorious, sunny, free day to myself. This post is the only writing I plan to do, today. I have no one tugging on my sleeve or whispering in my ear, so it seems that Cristal and Tess and Reijo and all my other little voices are taking the day off as well.

I asked Ter to drop me in the village on her way to work so I could get in my walk early. I’m glad I packed the Canon, else I’d have missed the photo op of a local peahen taking her morning constitutional. In a weird kind of role reversal, I was on the cedar path by the park and she was on the street, but we nodded politely to each other and continued along our respective routes. 

Then I strolled along the cliff at Dallas Road to home. The ocean was no more than a big puddle, the tide being out with no wave action in progress, and the mountains were so shrouded in mist that they might have been erased overnight. No matter. I truly appreciated the peace of the moment.

The pace is picking up outside my window: more traffic is revving past at higher RPMs and the young bucks down the street are hammering away at the outrageously overpriced condo they’re building. I feel slightly removed from it all, though; this is a nice place from which to watch the world go by. Tea is calling—some form of peach, methinks—and I should do something about breakfast. A half-cup of butter sits on the kitchen counter and will find its way into some form of baking later on, between my movie at 10:00 and Bill Maher at 3:00. And maybe, just maybe, today my book and I will make it to the back yard for some early summer reading.

Or not. That’s what makes today’s event so special.

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