Friday 31 October 2014

“Adversaries” (Preface)

Fast forward a year from Character Sketch and see where he-of-the-coke-and-classic-red-Camaro finds himself.

Rob Browning is a man on the edge, a pretty boy with deadly skill and a deadlier secret. In other words, he’s my kind of man. My first look at him was through Cassandra Stannard’s eyes. She’s the POV protagonist in my urban vampire series; the story is hers, but each segment began with a general narrative that hints at what is coming. Tomorrow’s post, as Character Sketch was for volume 3, was the prologue for volume 4, and by then the story was rolling headlong into disaster for my star-crossed lovers.

Volume 4 remains unfinished.

Since the FF novel has stalled until further notice, I’m committed to update Cassie’s story over the winter and see what comes of it. A lot will change, but the basic premise remains the same because it’s my crack at urban fantasy. It’s a rare case where I know the outcome before the beginning; for once I’ll be writing backward from the ending. It feels weird just saying that, so I can only imagine how it’ll feel in practice. I’m toying with the idea of writing scenes independently and stringing them together once I have enough to build a frame, but we’ll see. Time enough for planning anon. In the meantime, scenes like Adversaries may pop up on CR because I promised myself I’d post samples of my work and I’m really quite proud of my broken hero with the poet’s name.


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