Thursday 23 October 2014

The Importance of Tea (Part IX)


Yesterday I walked into my executive director’s office and asked if it was too early in the season to kill myself.

“Why?” he asked. “Have you become a Toronto fan?”

“I’m thinking about it,” I replied. “Philly was shut out in Chicago last night.”

“They won on the weekend, didn’t they?”

“Dallas beat them 6 - 4.”

“Fire the coach,” he said. “He’s already lasted twice as long as Laviolette last year.”

After some discussion, during which he convinced me to stick around at least until I get the semi-annual report done for him, I returned to my desk and borrowed from GRRM when filling in my “what’s happening” field in the office IM:

CHI 4 – PHI 0. Life is miserable and full of pain.

A couple of hours later, a co-worker logged in and saw my frownie face emoticon. “Team not doing well?” she asked, with sympathy.

“Nope,” I answered glumly. “They haven’t won a game yet.”

“Maybe you should change your hockey tea.”

A horrible thought occurred that straightened me in my chair. “I haven’t been drinking my hockey tea!”

She was equally aghast. “Well, that’ll be why they’re sucking!”

“That’s it,” I declared, “we’re going to David’s at lunch.”

I know, I know. It’s a mad superstition, like wearing my jersey and setting Basher just so in front of the TV, but for the past couple of years, I’ve drunk David’s buttered rum black tea on Flyer game nights. Sometimes they win, sometimes they don’t, but it’s a ritual that I defied on October 8 and can it really be a coincidence that the team hadn’t won a game in 6 tries?

It was worth it to test the theory. I went to David’s, bought 50 gms of buttered rum, ordered a cup to go for insurance because I had no time to brew it before the puck dropped, and crossed my fingers for the game in Pittsburgh last night.

Philadelphia won, 4-2.

I rest my case.

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