Friday 23 January 2015

“Black in Back” (Preface)

Ariel Black is back in the sequel to “Black and Blonde”, a continuation of his relationship with the mortal woman who blackmailed him into helping her solve the murder of her boyfriend. Things got a little sticky at the end of that story and, as the first installment of “Black in Back” indicates, the stickiness is about to get stickier.

He refused to tell this one. “Don’t know, don’t care” was his attitude when I approached him. I tried everything to persuade him, but he wanted nothing to do with it. In the end, Tess stepped up to tell her version of what happened next. Turns out that this is her story. Black is in it, but his is more of a supporting role as our heroine both navigates the shark-infested waters of mortal/immortal relations and discovers a secret that at once divides her from and binds her to her older sister.

It’s a story about survival, about family, about forgiveness, about courage and friendship and, ultimately, trust.

The strongest allies are often the unlikeliest.
