Tuesday 20 January 2015

KAOS or Control?

The next time you’re driving somewhere, take your hands off the wheel and see what happens. I bet your vehicle will run straight for a little bit, then the tires will hit a bump or a curve in the road and suddenly you’ll be mildly—or wildly—off course. By taking the wheel again, you’ll be able to get back on track, but surrender the helm once more and you’ll be offroading before you know it.

The same thing happens when you let life run itself.

On the flip side, it’s possible to over steer, as well. Tighten your grip too much and you’ll be over-correcting the tiniest ripple, slowing in fear of an unforeseen curve, and generally depriving yourself of the pleasure in driving that long and winding road.

The same thing happens when you micromanage life.

I saw another Bradbury gem the other day: “Life should be touched, not strangled”. It struck a chord because I, the hundred-proof Virgo, am a control freak in the extreme. (A sick irony, considering that I dislike being micromanaged, myself.) By the same token, I have learned over the years to release my white-knuckled grip and let my life happen naturally, working with it rather than fighting to make it do my bidding.

It’s half what you get and half what you do with it. I’ve taken my eyes off the road on occasion, and that’s when my life has spun into chaos. Some control is required in order to keep to the map. Lately I’ve been reminded to trust in my partnership with the universe, that things beyond my control are being handled and I am to let them happen in due course. My role is to handle them when they happen. Everything we do is the result of a decision, a choice. Choose to do nothing and you’ll be at life’s mercy. Choose to act and you’ll be part of a team, you and the universe, getting it done.

You may also find that the scenery is pretty darned amazing.

KAOS or control. It’s always your choice.


  1. I'm barely touching life lately let alone strangling it. I need some Kontrol! See what I did there? ;)
