Sunday 4 January 2015

“You Spoke to Me in Poetry”

Your spoke to me in poetry
And I did the unthinkable
I swooned
Straight into your arms
Heedless of the peril in your pretty words
Strung like stars on a silken line
Destined to delight and be my end

You spoke to me in poetry
And I did the unforgivable
I forgave
Lulled by a lyric
Called to curb my waking temper
And cloud my clearing vision
Destined to reveal and be your end

You spoke to me in poetry
And I did the inevitable
I trembled
Fearing loneliness yet
Witnessing within the words you wove
The oblique lies and angled truth
Destined to destroy and be our end


  1. Oh, I just swooned! I do love when you stretch your poetic muscles. This is beautiful, lush and lyrical and speaks to the romantic fool in me. You literally spoke to me in poetry and to your verse I reply, 'Bravo!'

    1. That is uber-high praise coming from the poet whom I admire most! I have no idea where this came from; it was one of those "gotta get it out" moments born of too much Prosecco and a subjugated mushpot trapped in a Virgoan body.
