Wednesday 31 December 2014

These Boots Are Made for Walkin’

My wee sister IM’d me at work one morning:

“Hey, sissy, are you free for lunch?”

“Sure,” I wrote back. “What do you feel like?”

“Shoes!” she replied.

Uh oh, I thought. The wee ’un’s on a bender.

My sister buys her shoes at the store directly downstairs from my office. She’s partial to Kubos and has acquired something like six pairs in everything from green to black to “aubergine”. Granted, the store regularly puts them on sale, so she gets them practically two-for-one, and on this day a sale was also in progress: buy a pair at regular price and get a second “on sale” pair at fifty percent off the sale price. Boy Sister had gone ahead and found a pair for himself; we were to meet him there and one of us could score the second pair in the deal for cheap.

BS hadn’t arrived when we did, so the Greig sisters were on the loose without our handler. I said, “I need boots”, so we started looking. And commenting. And cracking ourselves up with inside jokes and stupid remarks. I do enjoy shopping with my little sister. She’s a veritable hoot.

I really wanted/needed tall boots in which I could walk comfortably. Apparently, I was also in the market for some form of red leather. Crimson? Too dark. Candy apple patent? Too flashy (though they’d totally work under my boot-cut jeans). Scarlet? Too high in the heel. Plain black? Too boring. Then my eye caught a low-heeled black boot with burgundy accents and I promptly zoomed in for a closeup.

It met all my criteria. Black and red with low heels, made of buttery leather, and sporting a filigree button that kinda sorta matches my silver Lannister pendant (a bonus, not a criterion). Then I looked at the brand name: Dorking.

My wee sister looked dubious. “Do you want to buy a boot with the word dork in its name?”

Uhhhh … I bought it anyway. And I proved the greater dork because it wasn’t on sale, so when Boy Sister finally arrived, the deal didn’t work to plan. Not to mention that one pair of boots cost almost as much as a pair of tires for the Tiguan, but here’s the thing:

They are so comfy that I wore them all day every day for three solid weeks and my feet think they’re in heaven. I’m wearing them right now, in fact, so not only are they made for walking, they are made for looking cool while sitting still.

Today is New Year’s Eve. Looks like I’m walking into 2015 with style.


  1. Great, now I have boot envy! Those. Are. Amazing.

    1. I almost bought another pair after New Year, too - proof that the first step is the most dangerous.
