Wednesday 24 December 2014

“Postcards From the Tree”

Hey, all—just staked my spot on the lower rung of the Christmas tree. The snow is fake, by the way, and I’m fine with it. I might be a snowman, but I really dislike the cold. Not sure what I was in a previous life—a sand dune, maybe? Anyway, I’m having a wonderful time hanging with Rudolph and Tigger and … gads, is that Darth Vader?? Tree ornaments are not what they used to be, that’s for sure.
Wish you were here, but since you’re not, I’ll send you my best for a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing y’all in the New Year!


  1. Is that Weather Bomb's kin?! He's fabulous!

    1. Silly Bean - he and his buddy (hanging elsewhere on the tree) came via an East Coast Christmas box a zillion years ago! I laugh every time I see either one of them, that's why they must be separated, lest I pop a rib from mirth.

    2. Ohhhhhh yis! That's why he seems so familiar! Forgive me, my brain is swiss cheesy of late.

    3. No worries, Bean - mine is sharp as a knob of butter these days, as well.
