Tuesday 9 December 2014

Someone to Watch Over Me

If you feel like you’re being watched around here, you probably are. I was minding my own business in the hockey-watching chair when I suddenly sensed the weight of a gaze on my left shoulder. Turning slowly, I looked up and spotted Elvin peering at me from the corner of the bookcase.

“How did you get up there?” I demanded.

“I moved him,” Ter said, coming in from the kitchen. “He can see better from the top shelf.”

None of our bears fear heights; not even Moon Pie, who concussed himself with a fall from the couch in 2011. They’re not climbers as a rule, though the pandas might try, given half a chance and a mature stalk of bamboo, and most of them prefer to be carried rather than move under their own steam … kind of like me, actually.

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