Tuesday 23 December 2014

Festive Foliage

Work, work, work. Shop, shop, shop. Party, party, party. Oh yeah, and take the car in to have a nail pulled from a front tire—even at Christmas, life happens.

Amid the hustle/bustle of prepping food, wrapping presents, and getting together with people you haven’t seen all year, it’s easy to lose yourself in the hubbub. Ironically, during the season of giving, we often forget to give to ourselves. This doesn’t translate into buying yourself two gifts for every one you buy for someone else. Okay, maybe it does, but I’m thinking more along the lines of self-care. Taking time to paint your toenails Christmas crimson, for instance. Stopping for steamed eggnog during a whirlwind prezzie blitz through the mall. Curling up in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and The Night Circus. Little things to keep you in the spirit without succumbing to the stress of the season.

I’ve been fortunate in finding joy this Christmas. I’ve had fun dashing out on coffee breaks to buy sock stuffers, dropping my budget forecast to go for tea with a friend, and streaming carols on my work computer. Now that I’m on vacation, I’ve really enjoyed spending time looking at decorations, chatting with people, and generally absorbing the Yuletide vibe. It’s been crazy-busy as usual, but this year, I’ve been less resentful of the hectic pace. I spent Saturday morning downtown, finishing up the last of my shopping. I exchanged laughs with every store clerk I dealt with and the chocolate balsamic I sampled at the King’s Deli was divine; it didn’t matter that the rain was a steady drizzle and I had no umbrella, I was fully engaged in the moment. The eggnog cream from Chocolat didn’t hurt, either. It was a nice little reward for waiting while they sugared up the champagne truffles I was getting for someone else. Then, hiking up the street toward the car, I passed the florist and their glorious display of Christmas bouquets and paused. They were so pretty, all red and green and white, but I had no one to buy them for …

Oh, why not?

I told Ter that I got them for her … but they made me feel so loved that I think I might have done it as much for myself.

Take care of yourself today and every day, but do it especially during high-pressure holidays. You’ll give love more freely if you give a little to yourself as well.

With love,

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