Tuesday 30 December 2014

My Human

Ter coined a dandy the other day. She passed an unkind judgment on someone—hardly a criminal offense, but definitely out of sync with the higher level vibe we’re striving to maintain—and promptly smacked her own hand. “I’m sorry,” she said, not sounding sorry at all. “My human.”


To be human is to be influenced by the five sense reality, the egocentric identity, the left brain, the intellect, the bane of pure source energy. The human experience is why we’re here, but it’s terribly restrictive when learning lessons of love, acceptance and forgiveness within that experience. It also provides a physical contrast to things of the spirit. We need it, but we also need to be aware of it. Only then can we move past it.

It’s okay to be human. It’s okay to be small, occasionally, especially in defense of someone we love (thank you, Ter). It is oddly gratifying to think savage thoughts toward someone who has caused us or our own some form of angst, but we must not let those thoughts consume us. Have the thought, get your jollies from it, then forgive everyone involved and let it go.

Easier said than done? Yup. Being human makes it so. Forgiveness, however, does not mean to say that an injury/insult is justified or acceptable. It simply means that we as individuals can control our response to the slight. Yes, the comment was unfair. Yes, the insult may have been unintended, but it also reveals something about the person who made it, and that is not ours to own unless we choose to own it. (And, really, do you have room in your life to wear someone else’s issues?)

Ultimately, you can only live your life. You can only control your feelings and your actions. You put out the intention based on where you are in your journey. How I perceive it is determined by where I am in mine. Sometimes we’ll meet in the middle and sometimes we won’t. That is when opportunities for forgiveness occur.

If, however, an intention is initially misread, then … “Oops. My human.”


  1. After reading this blog, I may have had cause to also utter, 'My human ...' Oh, the joys of the 9 to 5. ;)

    Intentions and actions, they are our best tools.

    1. I think that employment is actually a fast track to learning hard people lessons, rather than a means to keeping us off the street, ha ha.
