Saturday 27 December 2014


Now that Christmas is over, I have a solid chunk of time in which to write.

It’s also time to rethink the blog.

My original purpose was to share my creative journey with posts of process, progress, inspiration, and a little hockey talk tossed in for fun. I meant to offer food for thought, and perhaps some discussion, but recently the posts have been pure fluff.

There is nothing wrong with fluff. It’s light, it’s entertaining, it’s easy to digest and even easier to write, but it also takes time to compose and my true love has suffered for it. Momentum has stalled, assuming that momentum was ever achieved, on my meatier creative works. I have lately given myself permission to focus on completing a longer project rather than placating the bloggy voice that tells me a post is past due. Having to grant this permission was my first hint.

Somewhere along the line, Comfortable Rebellion became Uncomfortable Responsibility. The director of quality assurance has issued a warning: keep it upbeat, keep it creative, and keep it meaningful.

I will continue my writing exercises. I will post updates on my progress with the project du jour. I may also “publish” the occasional story in a series of Saturdays, since I fully intend to finish more short stories in the coming year. And there will always be room for gushing about heroes and icons and all good things. I do admit, reluctantly, that life makes means to kill our joy with stress, and I have been more stressed than I realized of late, but I’m aware of it now and am looking the monster straight in the eye. Toss in my Ter, my angels, and access to a universe full of opportunity, and you have a winner in Ramblin’ Ru.

Did I say “ramblin’?” No more of that. We’re going back to the egg, you and I. Back to the realm of dreamers and artists, magicians and vampires, poets and philosophers. Back to my happy place. The Rebellion is comfortable once more, so pull up a chair and I’m brew us some tea.

There are stories to be told.

With love,


  1. I need my 2015 to be full of blog. Creative blog and creative writing. I've been silent far too long and need to find my way back that true self. There are indeeeed stories to be told. We must write.

    1. Agreed! Life has been far too cruel this past year, the last month or two of it in partikilar. I look forward to daily dips into the Teapot :)

  2. Replies
    1. I'll remind you of that at our next cafe date, wee 'un.
