Wednesday 22 April 2015

Blackout in Effect

A chilly spring morning, the mercury sitting at nine degrees with clouds and showers expected later today. Right now, it’s sunny … and I’m dawdling.

Ter dropped me in the village and I treated myself to a “real” Asian Mist—all milk despite my recent dairy-free status, a risk I’m willing to take with three days of vacation left. I can afford a flare if that’s my fate.

Re-work on the novel has been slow, due in part to my dawdling but mostly because I’m rewriting more than I’d imagined I would. And it’s daunting. So I let myself be distracted by F***book and Youtube (lots of Lep stuff there!) to the detriment of the project, and every day I become increasingly anxious that I’ll get nothing accomplished before heading back to the mill.

Well, not nothing. I’ve laundered the bedding and taken long walks. I’ve learned (happily) that Rick Savage is partial to Maseratis—my kind of man—and Joe Elliott likes a 4x4 because there’s loads of room in one. I’m brewing more kombucha and will have another batch of pfefferneuse in the freezer before Friday. Most importantly, I’ve learned how to answer my phone. But where actual writing is concerned, there’s not much to show for my working holiday.

So I’m going dark for a couple of days, to focus on the re-write and get some momentum going. I want to wake up thinking about the story instead of what witty remark I can post on F***book. I get than an author should be interactive with her audience, but she’s only an author if she’s writing offline and I’ll kick myself if this week passes without some significant progress on the novel. Part of me thinks I should blow it up and start from scratch, but three hundred pages in and I’m reluctant to dump any of it. Much of it is good. I’ve loaded the files into a separate folder and am rebuilding one chapter at a time, but the deeper I go, the more detours are taken from the original draft, so who knows? Maybe a complete bust up is the best thing!

Won’t know unless I quit dawdling and get down to it. Apricot tea and Sarah Brightman are in place and ready to go. Time for Ru to get disciplined.



  1. Rainy day here. Slow work day. My ears feel like they are going to explode they are so plugged from my cold, I'm on day 10 now btw. I have daydreamed, snacked, sipped tea and most importantly, in my downtime, I wrote a poem. I want to go home and read it aloud before I post anything but I wrote something today and that's a frackin' miracle.

    I am going to fill out my Mama's taxes when I arrive home and then put on my artsy fartsy hat. See what happens.

    1. I saw what happened and I loved it, Bean. Man, when you put your mind to it, you make poetic magic.

      Sort of like what I can do with prose, when I'm not dawdling ...

    2. No, YOU are my greatest gift. You and Ter, that is :)
