Sunday 5 April 2015

“Forever in His Eyes”

Nature boy
authentic, organic
at one with the earth

Lullaby lyric
velvet in his voice
healing in his hands

Pure power
used for good of others
used against himself

Dark angel
caught internal conflict
pushing love away

Infinite soul
mortal, immortal
luminous and loving

Light essence
stars and space
forever in his eyes


  1. My goodness what a beautiful and earthy poem. A powerful description of a infinite soul with the powers of the Heavens. I wish I could adequately describe what I saw as I consumed the lines, one perfect pearl at a time. Stunning. Otherworldly wonderful.

  2. Well, I don't have any words except to say that you speak truth and it is beautifully written.

  3. Thank you both so much for your comments. It's no secret that poetry ain't my thang; I have to be inspired in a wholly different way and usually by an individual. This one was written with love and sadness, and perhaps a little hope as well. Sometimes less really is more.
