Thursday 2 April 2015

Throw Your Beam

The purpose of life, I have recently heard, is to express yourself through whatever means you have to hand. Be it painting or performing, cooking or quilting, coaching or counseling, playing hockey or playing the tuba, designing gardens or digging graves, it is within every single one of us to be great.

Albert Einstein said that everyone is a genius. He then added, “If a fish is judged by its ability to climb trees, that fish will live its entire life believing that it’s stupid.” That quote struck such a deep chord that my ears are still ringing. Must be because I’ve spent a good chunk of my life believing that I’m stupid.

Not in everything, of course. I’m actually very smart in many areas. I am capable in others, and gosh-darned-excellent in a few. But so are you. And you. And you. Everyone has something unique to offer the world. And the world needs what you have to give. Even if you’re an arch villain, you’re providing the necessary contrast that enables heroes to be heroes. So if you’re a bad guy, be the baddest guy you can be, you miserable sod. Bring out the best in others and make the world a better place.

I might be joking around a bit here, but my meaning is serious. Everyone has something at which they can excel. Find your best and let it rip. Be that little candle. Throw your beam as far as you can fling it. Touch as many people as you can; be a teacher, but be a student as well. Give love, but love yourself, too. After all, the flame burns brightest at the wick. Only then does the rest of the room benefit from its light.


  1. This is such a wonderful post. I was smiling the whole time I read it. I firmly believe in every single word you said except for where you said you thought you was stupid. You are brilliant. Always have been, always will be.

    1. We're both brilliant, Bean; that's why we get on so well, lol. Truly, I'm glad you liked the post. I'm at a special place in my evolution, letting go of old misconceptions that I took as truths and shaping myself into my future. I'm thrilled that you're with me on the journey, too. You mean the world to me, kid.
