Wednesday 8 July 2015

FF Spinoffs

Rather than quit, I have set aside the novel for the nonce. I actually did return to the story of Margaret and King Charles for a time, managing to write a couple of new scenes and get a better idea of the plot before I was called back to Castasia, but not for Reijo’s romance.

This one is about Rikka.

The beauty of a series is one’s ability to write back and forth in time. Treason was the starting point for Fixed Fire, the legend of Lucius Aurelius told in a series of nine volumes. Side projects have sprung from main storyline, usually about the history of Castasia and the characters other than Lucius who figure in the present tale. Over the years I’ve written a few short stories and novellas about some who were either directly or indirectly affected by him in his youth.

Rikka is his twin sister, who probably suffered more from his absence than anyone else did. She’s alluded to it throughout the series, and one day I got curious enough to consider what her life must have been like after he left home.

In a word, yikes.

On the plus side, I am more interested in writing her story than I am in blogging or F***book, so what spare time I have these days is taken up with actual writing instead of writing about writing. It’s a relief to be obsessed again, and my revelation from a few weeks ago still holds true. This may be his sister’s story, but—you guessed it—it’s about Lucius.

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