Wednesday 22 July 2015

Simple Syrup

Flanked by his buddies after Moonie's fall, when the light bothered his eyes
Moon Pie fell off the back of the couch when he was about a year old. He liked to climb up and look at the streetlight outside the living room window—he thought it was a star. Specifically, his star …. but he is a polar bear and they are loaded with ’tude. One night, he was perched in place atop the back cushion and from the corner of my eye, I saw him tip toward the window …

Why do these things always happen in slow motion? I started moving as soon as I saw him tilt, yet I knew going in that he was going down and sure enough, he executed a perfect somersault and disappeared before I was fully out of my chair.


When I got to him, he was spread-eagled on his back, thoroughly winded and staring up at me from glazed eyes. Of course nothing was broken, but I was certain that he’d given himself a concussion—a certainty that remains to this day.

He’s always been a sweet little guy, cuddly and loving as few of his compatriots are. The other bears—even his paunchy older brother, Jarkko—watch over him as if they know he’s had a head injury and has special needs. I dunno. If he hadn’t whacked his head that night, he might not be so loving and good-natured (I repeat, he is a polar bear), but I see him wake up every day with bright eyes and all sorts of enthusiasm … and I envy him.

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