Sunday 12 July 2015

Food Porn IX

“Achey Bakey Heart”

Wee sis and I used to bake when we were bored. As teenagers in the sticks, where bus service was thrice weekly and all on Monday morning, we baked a lot. We discovered that the quickest way to get chocolate chip cookies is to spread the batter in a sheet pan, bake for twenty-five minutes, and cut into squares. Warm from the pan, these bar cookies were comfort in your palm.

The best smell ever? Bread baking.

The second best smell ever? Ter’s shortbread baking. The recipe is actually my mother’s, which she got from a neighbour in the aforementioned sticks. A perennial favourite at Christmas, since going gluten free, we’ve discovered that these melting little vanilla/almond-scented morsels are better than the original version, so they’re now a teatime staple. Ter baked a fresh batch for me just last week … and another will be necessary in the not-too-distant future. They’re a perfect complement to my Blenz Mumbai Chai, now served at home.

On a cool misty day, I am almost compelled to bake. Muffins, quick breads, scones, drop cookies; on any given grey day, I can be found in the kitchen, setting up the mise en place for some sort of emotional gratification.

Today, it was gingersnaps. An old AP flour recipe taking the GF route and it worked like a hot damn! The cookies are crunchy, gingery, and I am so confident that they will fool a lab rat that I’m taking some to work tomorrow. My motivation for baking sprang from waking to a foggy morning, plus the fact that I need a foil for the teatime shortbread/chai combo. Aside from hot chocolate, gingersnaps are best accompanied by either gyokuro imperial green or Yorkshire Gold black. Or, as pictured above, a glass of cold milk.


1 comment:

  1. I would kill for a cookie right now. Why oh why must you do this to me!? ;)
