Saturday 3 October 2015

Know Thy Elf

one day I'll get a more recent pic
A year has passed since I unwittingly freed my house elf. I was sure that I would rue the day when I thoughtlessly handed her a pair of socks and felt the *snap-pinng* of the bond breaking between us. And, had she taken full advantage of the occasion, I might have felt more regret. As it is, nothing much has changed.

She still drives me to work, asks what I want for dinner, vacuums the rug in my writing room, brings me tea, and tucks my polar bears into bed at night. She is still my armchair therapist, my surrogate guru, my confidence coach and my greatest fan. She coaxes, encourages, and always supports me in whatever mad escapade I think to undertake.

She rocks—and not just because she loves me.

She was my best friend before she was my elf, and she will be my best friend after we are done with this estate. Throughout our long existence together, she has been my sister, my counselor, my jester, my mirror, and perhaps, during a life or two, my rival.

No matter what life we’re in, however, she is always my hero.

Happy birthday, Ter.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. This is simply beautiful. Happiest birthday, Ter. Love you lots.
